Saturday, April 5, 2008

It's been some time, ne?

It truly has been quite some time since my last post. Things have been a little crazy. I had spring break, that was nice. But now it's over. That's not nice.

I believe that I mentioned once before, a long time ago, that my uncle was living with us. Well, now he's not. I felt guilty when I found out that he was no longer in our house. For a brief moment, I wondered if it happened because I wished for it. I wanted him to move out and go out on his own, stop freeloading and disrupting our once peaceful home life. However, I reassured myself, I didn't wish for what he got. (Though don't think I didn't see it coming.)

My uncle was arrested.

It happened at a very bad time. My parents left him in charge of our house and our pets for one night while they flew up to visit my brother and I to see an Edgar Meyer concert and the following master class in which my elder brother played for Edgar Meyer. Prior to the Edgar Meyer Concert, I was sitting next to my parents in a balcony seat overlooking the stage. After my parents informed me of the slightly dangerous highly eventful flight. After this, my mom turned to fully face me in her seat and said, "Guess what's new with your uncle."

My first guess had been that his girlfriend in Puerto Rico was pregnant, then I remembered that she had already gotten been pregnant and had a miscarriage since he'd been with us, so she couldn't be pregnant. Then I remembered how he had been depressed and moping the entire time I was home because he had found out that there was a warrant out for his arrest in Puerto Rico. Before I left, I had come to understand that it was a misunderstanding, and the case he thought it was referring to had already been dismissed in the past. With this in mind, I made my guess.

"He got arrested."


"Oh god..."

I'll spare you details, though I'm sure you actually want them. Well, you can't have them! J/K!

Maybe later. Anyways, my uncle in currently in jail, waiting to see whether or not he will be extradited to Puerto Rico. He's mad at my mom, even though really she's the only person able to help him. When she first found out that he had been arrested, during her time with her children, mind you, she immediately set to calling the police office, the prison, his girlfriend, trying to find out where he was and how to help him. While she was on the phone with my uncle's girlfriend, she stated that when her brother got his phonecall, hopefully, he'd call her instead of the girlfriend. Well, this pissed off the girlfriend. I see why, but really, come one. She's in Puerto Rico! There's really not much that woman can do for her man who's been arrested several thousand miles away! None the less, she's holding a grudge and not answering my mom's calls, leaving my mom to communicate with my uncle's lawyer without her. Now my uncle is mad at my mom for insulting his girlfriend after all that our family has done for him! What an ungrateful freeloader! He broke my car, made a mess of our house, moved in and changed my brother's room, and after all that, he has the nerve to be upset at my mom for being sensible, something he obviously is not.

Do you want to know how the police found him? He said he wanted to kill himself while he was at work. His boss called the police to tell them he was worried this man might try to take his own life, then they had his name in the system to discover the warrant our for him. I really, really don't have much patience for the suicidal.

I understand, some people really need help. They don't have the personal strength to handle the problems life throws at them. As a result, they lose hope and eventually say they want to kill themselves, which is really a call for help, because if they really truly wanted to die, they would do something about it, not talk about it.

The thing is, he had been moping around for some time, depressed. My mom knew he had problems with depression and repeatedly reached out to him, asking him to talk to her, or seek help. Instead, he goes to work, to his brand new job he only just secured and tells people he wants to kill himself! What the fucking hell? Now he's in prison, he's completely fucked up his life more so than it was before, and stressed out my mom who is the only sensible person among her troubled siblings. She doesn't deserve all the trouble her brother is putting her through. For that, I am furious with him, and I really can't bring myself to feel sorry for him and his situation. He brought it on himself. He committed a crime, he left Puerto Rico, then drew the attention of the authorities to himself. It's his fault, and he shouldn't bring my family down with him. I can't feel the familial bonds with a man that is only family by blood, not by familiarity. I have not seen anything of this man since I was 11. I am soon turning 20. He appears in the life of my family and brings with him stress and awkwardness. I can't feel bad.

And for that, I feel terrible.