Yesterday I turned 21. It was a busy day, I was volunteering, doing tarot readings at Relay for Life for donations for cancer research. Then I had rehearsal. Then I went with Lissa to the Feve, had my first real meal of the day and got wasted for the first time. Man, I was drunk. I could not walk straight, and I was pretty much falling out of my chair.
Then, a guy I met freshmen year that came onto me came onto me again at the bar. Turns out he has the same birthday as me. How about that? I'd forgotten, but he remembered. He also had a grossly inappropriate obsession with my breasts. He likes them A LOT. "I just want to bury my face in them."
He came to sit with Lissa and I, and after I had enough and stated that I had reached my limit, he brought me water (he wanted to buy me a drink, I said no, thanks) so that I would stay longer. He was totally trying to feel me up under the table!
I found all of this actually really flattering. I have never really had a guy show so much interest in me. Its flattering. And really embarrassing. And sexy. Thankfully Lissa was there monitoring the situation, and even piss drunk I have enough sense not to throw myself into a man whore's arms. (He shared some stories of his conquests over drinks) I told him repeatedly to back off. Talking to Lissa today, she told me that after he and she had walked me back to Baldwin he had gotten on her case about not trying hard enough to help him win me over.
..... hmmm, I'm pretty sure she did the good friend thing and made sure that I didn't do something stupid. Cause it was actually sounding really tempting. Man, was I drunk.
Dude that was so much fun!
And the guy was flattering and creepy at the same time. We tutored in the same classroom last semester at the local elementary school. He told me that everyday he saw me in tutoring he couldn't help but think how sexy I was. That's a little messed up, we were in a 4th grade classroom at the time! What the hell? (still kind of flattering though, in an overly sexual, grossly inappropriate way.)
And then this morning I had my first ream hangover, headache and slight nausea and everything.
Today my parents came to visit, we ate out for lunch and dinner and saw 17 Again in the theater. I was so glad to see my parents again. I had really missed them..
Last thing, I started a written diary for the private reflections that shouldn't probably go on the internet. I think someday I might let my friends read it, but not anytime soon. It's really conducive to self-reflection, writing in a diary. It really made me think back. You know, I am still bothered by the move from Virginia to Ohio when I was 8? Its like the root of my identity issues. I found it! Now what?
I'm writing the diary in the journal my friend Sim gave me as a late birthday gift last year. Its a beautiful journal. And today felt like the right day to start writing in it.
Oh, last bit of news: My brother won the mock auditions at CIM! That makes him the best bassist in his section at the Cleveland Institute of Music. I knew he would win. He won and yet he had only just started looking at the music yesterday! That punk. That must be really embarrassing for the rest of the section, to be beat by a guy that only started looking at the music the day before. And from what he told me, it was a landslide victory. The judges didn't even really have to think about it. He never believes me when I tell him how awesome he is at the bass. I think he might finally be starting to believe me.
Enough of that, its time for me to go to bed. Night!
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