Friday, May 1, 2009

My life hates me

Don't try to convince me otherwise. It's true. My life, the universe, or maybe jsut some vengeful entity I pissed off at some point in time hate me and wants me to die or suffer as much as possible before finally leaving me alone.

I got sick last saturday. It started with a sore throat. The I lost my voice half way through Beltaine. I was pretty much mute until tuesday. I kept feeling worse, so Tuesday I went to the doctor. I got antibiotics. But, since I am being medicating of course things have to get worse before they get better. My nose and chest are congested, my throat is raw and sore, and i still can't really talk.

Last night I couldn't fall asleep until 6am because I was jsut coughing so much. I feel like shit.

Oh, and my period came yesterday. Icing on the cake of life's epic suckage.

Then life tried to kill my cello after I had to play an hour and a half long concert sucking on coughdrops and holding my breath so I wouldn't cough during the slow, quiet parts. Of course all the medicine wears off during the fucking slow movement! My strap broke as I was climbing the stairs out of the basement in Finney Chapel, sending my cello crashing down the stairs.

I checked on my cello, made sure it was alright, then I had a break down.

All this, then i had to finish my calculus take home. Fuck chemistry. My grade is good in that class, so I don't care about the problem set or lab tomorrow. Just fuck it all. All I'm getting up to do tomorrow is to turn in my exam, then I am going back to bed before life tried to hurt me again.

Cause in my life, the universe just loves kicking a girl while she's down. Its the best time really. Just pile on the suckage and the pain.

Thanks, Life. I effing love you.