Sunday, September 23, 2007


Okay, I have finally finished my Japanese homework, there was more than I thought there was. The last thing I needed to do was fill out a worksheet about the reading we had been doing. The last question asked us to translate the last four lines from Souseki's "夢十夜:第一夜", or " Ten Nights of Dreams: the First Night", or something like that.

The whole story is about a woman dieing an a man coming to terms with it. When the woman dies she tells the man, "Wait for me by my grave for one hundred years, then I will come to you". At the end of the story, the man has been sitting on a rock by the woman's grave for one hundred years, but she has yet to come. The final line is along the lines of, " At that moment he felt (thought?), 'One hundred years have passed'". And that's it, the story ends. Its rather sad, he waits all those years so that he may see the woman again, but she doesn't come.

Such a depressing dream... I have my share of those. I'll share them with you at a later time, but now seems like a good a time as any to hit the hay. Good night.


Anonymous said...

maybe after one hundred years and being dissapointed he finally died and they were together again.

or it could jsut be another sad story with a weird ending lol

i'm going to send you a letter when i have stamps.


Machete said...

you still don't have stamps? since last year?